Seed-Applied Nutrition
Zanocella™ is a new improved handling nanoparticle formulation of zinc that provides more rapid root uptake for optimal zinc nutrition that meets early season plant growth needs. The improved uptake results in enhanced performance at a reduced use rate. The effect of Zanocella in providing optimized early season zinc nutrition results in season-long benefit to plant development and yield. The nanoparticle zinc formulation is low viscosity and easy to handle with excellent slurry compatibility, offering improved application on seed.
- Nanoparticle formulation results in improved uptake of zinc for more effective zinc nutrition.
- More rapid uptake of zinc with Zanocella results in improved performance, while also allowing for a reduced use rate on seed.
- The effect of Zanocella on zinc nutrition is expressed early season, but the benefit is season-long in terms of plant development and yield.
- Low viscosity formulation offers ease of handling with improved appearance and better retention on seed.
- Excellent slurry compatibility with most seed treatment pesticides and other seed- applied products with no viscosity buildup.
- Low use rate compared to other competitive products.
Use Rates
- Corn, Wheat, Grain Sorghum, Rice: 1.5 fl. oz. per 100 pounds of seed (0.75 fl. oz. per unit of seed)
- 2 x 2.5 gallons per case
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