
PRECISIVE™ is an OMRI Listed® APE/NPE-free high load nonionic surfactant with built-in drift reduction and deposition technology. PRECISIVE is formulated to provide a high level of crop safety, making it ideal for fungicide and herbicide applications in corn pre-tassel.

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Persist® Ultra

Persist Ultra is a unique methylated canola oil and surfactant blend that optimizes crop protection performance and mixing characteristics with a wider range of tank-mix partners than ordinary methylated seed oils or crop oils. Persist Ultra has been proven to outperform ordinary methylated seed oils in enhancing the biological performance of Kixor® herbicide technology and…

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MSO Ultra™

MSO Ultra is a methylated soy oil blend formulated to enhance crop protection performance under a wider range of weather conditions and weed species.

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SALIA™ is an APE/NPE free high surfactant oil concentrate with built in drift reduction and deposition technology. SALIA is used at 50% of the traditional use rate of ordinary crop oil concentrates or methylated seed oils. SALIA is an ideal tank mix partner for enhancing the performance of a wide range of herbicide tank mixes,…

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RIPARA™ is an APE/NPE free, high surfactant methylated seed oil with built-in drift reduction and deposition technology. RIPARA is used at 50% of the traditional use rate of ordinary methylated seed oils or crop oil concentrates. RIPARA is an ideal tank mix partner for enhancing the performance of a wide range of herbicide tank mixes,…

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Kixyt is a low use rate, high surfactant load, methylated seed oil concentrate that enhances crop protection performance when compared to ordinary methylated seed oils or crop oil concentrates. Kixyt combines the cuticle penetration properties of a premium quality methylated canola oil with a proprietary surfactant system to deliver higher levels of biological performance at…

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Exchange is a low use rate, high-load, crop oil concentrate replacement that enhances crop protection performance when compared to ordinary crop oil concentrate.

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Border™ Xtra 8L

Border Xtra 8L is a patented, liquid activator adjuvant formulated to maximize crop protection performance on a wider range of weed species by maximizing adhesion of the spray solution to the leaf surface, while providing required amounts of ammonium and sulfate ions for improved uptake. Border Xtra 8L provides 8.5 lbs of ammonium sulfate plus…

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