
Nonionic spreader sticker maximizes leaf surface coverage of spray solutions, while providing washoff protection from untimely rainfall.

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Taragon™ Xtra

TARAGON™ XTRA is a convenient premix of drift reduction technology and water conditioning agents that protects the performance potential of glyphosate and 2,4-D from antagonistic metal ions found in hard water and leaf tissue while further reducing risk of drift.

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Taragon™ Maxx

TARAGON™ MAXX is a unique multi-functional adjuvant premix specifically designed and approved for use with dicamba-containing tank mixes. TARAGON MAXX is recognized as a qualified and approved DRA for dicamba-based herbicide tank mixes. Always check manufacturer labels and websites for confirmation.

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Taragon™ Elite

TARAGON™ ELITE is a convenient premix of drift reduction technology and water conditioning agents that protects the performance potential of dicamba-based products or tank mixes from antagonistic metal ions found in hard water and leaf tissue while further reducing drift risk. TARAGON ELITE is recognized as an approved DRA for most dicamba-based herbicides. Check manufacturer…

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Nexum™ NG

NEXUM™ NG is formulated to enhance pesticide performance by improving spray solution deposition and coverage while reducing driftable fines.

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Intact™ Pro

INTACT™ PRO is a concentrated stand-alone drift reduction and deposition aid technology. It is pump-shear resistant and enhances spray droplet retention on target leaf surfaces.

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Intact™ Maxx

INTACT™ MAXX is a unique multifunctional adjuvant premix specifically designed for use with dicamba-containing tank mixes. INTACT MAXX uses a unique plant-based, shear-resistant polymer that improves pesticide performance on a wide range of weed species by increasing adhesion and retention of large spray droplets to the leaf surface. INTACT MAXX is recognized as a qualified…

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Intact™ Advanced

INTACT™ ADVANCED is a next generation guar-based drift reduction agent from Precision Laboratories. It is a convenient, low-use-rate premix that is great for the grower-applied market. INTACT ADVANCED will minimize off-target movement, maximize foliar droplet retention, and condition hard water without the use of AMS. INTACT ADVANCED is specifically formulated for use with glyphosate and…

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Direct™ RS

Drift retardants can be a valuable tool to reduce the risk of off-target pesticide movement. While many options and premix formulations have been developed over the years, few are as cost effective and easy to use as DIRECT™ RS. DIRECT RS chemically modifies spray solution characteristics to reduce drift risk. It increases spray solution viscosity,…

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PRECISIVE™ is an OMRI Listed® APE/NPE-free high load nonionic surfactant with built-in drift reduction and deposition technology. PRECISIVE is formulated to provide a high level of crop safety, making it ideal for fungicide and herbicide applications in corn pre-tassel.

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